środa, 15 marca 2017

Polish-Spanish wedding in Krakow

Polish-Spanish wedding in Krakow. Always very impatiently and eagerly we look forward to these celebrations, where a large part of the visitors are the residents of the southern European countries. Is that Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Greeks - in spite of cultural differences, language, one thing is always certain: the game is excellent. International mix of temperament, character is a guarantee that a huge, positive emotions will play a major role. It's very important for us as photographers, wedding photography because it actually consists of emotions. This was just a great day Olga and Alejendro. A beautiful, sunny day with picturesque clouds, hot Spanish blood, spectacular views from the terrace of the Hotel Kossak - it all made for us as it was a special ceremony. Welcome - wedding photojournalism. More wedding pictures is here: polish-spanish wedding.

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Zdjecia slubne krakow - fotografia slubna krakow, wedding photography krakow

wtorek, 24 stycznia 2017

wedding photographer krakow

Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć najlepsze zdjęcia ślubne w Krakowie, to zobacz koniecznie TUTAJ  Najwspanialsze wesele w Hotelu Starym Krakow, zdjecia slubne w Rzeszowie, Katowicach. Destination wedding photography Wszedzie tam gdzie fotografia slubna tam musi byc dobry fotograf z Krakowa. staranna selekcja zdjeć ze ślubów, było wiele ślubów plenerowych. Ślub plenerowy w Krakowie to jest wielkie przeżycie. Przygotowania Pani Młodej, ceremonia ślubna, ślub kościelny, przyjęcie weselne. Emocje w fotografii ślubne to wszystko jest bardzo ważne.

If you want to see the best wedding photos in Krakow, it is necessary to see The best wedding pictures Krakow - 2016
   The most wonderful wedding at the Hotel Stary in Krakow, wedding photos in Rzeszów, Katowice. Destination wedding photography Everywhere where wedding photographs there must be a good photographer from Krakow. careful selection of photos from the wedding, there was a lot of outdoor weddings. Outdoor wedding in Krakow is a great experience. Preparations of Bride and Groom wedding ceremony, church wedding, wedding reception. Emotions in photography wedding is all very important.

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niedziela, 7 lutego 2016

Best wedding pictures in Poland 2015

Year in wedding photography passes extremely quickly and intensely. Always very variously. There is no place for boredom, monotony. Every wedding is different, every couple is beautiful in his feelings, emotions, in a touching experience of the wedding day. For us, last year was very diverse - making it easy to see in the pictures below wedding. We had a huge honor, joy and happiness to photograph not only in Poland and our Cracow, but also in Switzerland and Italy. It was a year of many rain weddings - even in the wonderful, warm Abruzzo, great outdoor wedding reception was in the rain. We believe strongly that it will meet the Italian proverb which says, "Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata" :) The choice was really difficult! Some of these wedding photos already presented on our blog full of materials dedicated to individual couples, others are still waiting for their turn. It is not easy to sum up this year in a few sentences, let them speak the most beautiful wedding photographs that we were able to do last season. Welcome!
Look awesome,  the best wedding pictures 2015 - Poland!

Rok w fotografii ślubnej mija niezwykle szybko i intensywnie. Zawsze bardzo różnorodnie. Nie ma miejsca na nudę, na monotonię. Każde przyjęcie weselne jest inne, każda para jest piękna w swych uczuciach, emocjach, we wzruszającym przeżywaniu dnia ślubu. Dla nas miniony rok był bardzo różnorodny – co łatwo zobaczyć na poniższych zdjęciach ślubnych. Mieliśmy ogromny zaszczyt, radość i szczęście fotografować nie tylko w Polsce i naszym Krakowie, ale również w Szwajcarii i Włoszech. Był to rok wielu deszczowych ślubów – nawet w cudownej, gorącej Abruzji, wspaniałe plenerowe przyjęcie ślubne odbyło się w strugach ulewnego deszczu. Wierzymy gorąco, że spełni się włoskie przysłowie, które mówi „Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata” :) Wybór był naprawdę bardzo trudny! Niektóre z poniższych zdjęć ślubnych już prezentowaliśmy na naszym blogu w pełnych materiałach poświęconym poszczególnym parom, inne jeszcze czekają na swoją kolej.  Nie jest łatwo podsumować ten rok w kilku zdaniach, niech przemówią najpiękniejsze fotografie ślubne, jakie udało nam się wykonać w minionym sezonie. Zapraszamy!  

Fotografia ślubna Krakow - wedding pictures Krakow, Poland

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Zobacz więcej tutaj: Najlepsze zdjecia slubne 2015

sobota, 30 stycznia 2016

Wedding at Dolina Cedronu Lencze, photography

Wedding in the Dolina Cedron - is one of those places which have long dreamed
of this place is extremely charming and picturesque.
 when I learned that Ola and Pawel was this beautiful corner chose the
location of his wedding, of course, it made us great joy!
It's the most beautiful seat reservation near Cracow for weddings. Wedding photos are there beautiful, best wedding photography! Everything looks like Tuscany, like wedding photos with Tuscany, as wedding photography Tuscany, Italy. The whole party, held in a historic granary had a rustic character. Everything was prepared with great attention to detail - tables with "fruit" names, delicious sweets and flowers. Luckily the weather was good and part of the adoption took place outdoors at a table lit lanterns. And all this would be nothing! And all this would be nothing without the power of emotion, emotion, joy, tears of happiness. A good photograph does not exist without emotion. Good wedding photography is not without luck the Young. Ola
 and Palo - thank you very much and look forward to seeing! Wedding
Photography with emotions, emotions in wedding photography is the most
important thing!

Wesele w Dolinie Cedronu – to jedno z tych miejsc o którym od dawna marzyliśmy to miejsce jest niezwykle urocze i malownicze. I kiedy dowiedzieliśmy się, że Ola i Paweł właśnie ten piękny zakątek wybrali na lokalizację swojego przyjęcia weselnego, to oczywiście sprawiło to nam wielką radość! To najpiekniejsza miejscówka w okolicy Krakowa na organizacje wesela. Zdjecia slubne są tam piekne, fotografia ślubna najlepsza! Wygląda wszystko jak Toskania, jak zdjecia slubne z Toskanii, jak fotografia slubna Toskania, Włochy. Całe przyjęcie, które odbyło się w zabytkowym spichlerzu miało rustykalny charakter. Wszystko przygotowane było z wielką dbałością o szczegóły – stoły z „owocowymi” nazwami, pyszne słodkości, kwiaty. Szczęśliwie pogoda sprzyjała i część przyjęcia odbyła się w plenerze przy stole oświetlonym lampionami. I to wszystko byłoby niczym! I to wszystko byłoby niczym, gdyby nie moc emocji, wzruszeń, radości, łez szczęścia. Dobra fotografia nie istnieje bez emocji. Dobra fotografia ślubna nie istnieje bez szczęścia Państwa Młodych. Ola i Palo – bardzo dziękujemy i czekamy na kolejne spotkanie!Fotografia ślubna z emocjami, emocje w fotografii ślubnej to sprawa najważniejsza!

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wtorek, 1 grudnia 2015

Wedding Krakow, Tomaszowice - photographer

Today we present the wedding photos with great ceremony Agnes and James. Extensive entry, dense of emotions and events, interesting and touching moments. It was beautiful and emotionally. It's hard to choose for the purpose of the blog shortened material when worked two photographers and everyone has a full-fledged material. I must admit that such a beautiful wedding we have not seen a long time ago! Wreath with natural flowers in her hair bride looked lovely and gave her grace and charm. The whole ceremony was kept simple and natural styling - lots of flowers, lots of stylish ornaments, pastel colors additives and components - all together been building a unique atmosphere. It not without significance was also a place that you Young chose for your wedding and wedding reception. Separately photographed with the preparation of the groom, separately prepare the bride. Similarly, there was also the blessing - the first in the house of the groom, then traditionally common in the home Mrs. Young. The wedding took place in a magnificent and mighty gothic St. kościeke. Catherine in Kazimierz, a wedding Tomaszowice Manor and hall "Panorama". After leaving the church held a brief outdoor session the Young - fortunately encourage us weather and beautiful light. But what is most important that day - feeling the Young, the mood of happiness, joy! All of this together adds up to a unique and unforgettable story.

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more photos here: zdjecia slubne krakow

czwartek, 20 sierpnia 2015

A real Italian wedding. With Olimpia and Alessandro we met for the first time in Rome. Photos from their engagement made by us we have already 'published on our blog HERE. And finally 'it arrived in June and the date of their extraordinary ceremony. The wedding and reception were held in a small town 'in Abruzzo, east of Rome. Abruzzo and 'famous for its excellent wine and olive tasty and fragrant. Marriage and 'was celebrated in the Roman church of Peoples, and the receipt in Tocco da Cassauria. All during this day and 'was straordinamente nice and very different from the typical Polish ceremonies.The reception 'was organizato in a garden of olive trees and in spite of the light rain, not very common at this time of year, the atmosphere and the mood of the guests were wonderful. The fun, lots of good emotions and the delicious Italian cuisine characterized this day. Another detail that deserves to be highlighted were the crabs that once long ago were often present on Polish tables. The spouses have taken care of every detail in every detail, what 'with the variety' of decorations and ornaments created a unique and unforgettable atmosphere of this beautiful ceremony.Olimpia and Alessandro best wishes and much happiness 'from our Poland, which at this time of year and' hot as your Italian.

 Look here:

Real italian wedding photography


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Un vero matrimonio italiano. Con Olimpia ed Alessandro ci siamo incontrati per la prima volta a Roma. Le foto dal loro fidanzamento fatte da noi le abbiamo gia’ pubblicato sul nostro blog QUI. Finalmente e’ arrivato giugno e la data della loro straordinaria ceremonia. Il matrimonio ed il ricevimento si sono svolti in una piccola citta’ in Abruzzo, a Est di Roma. L’Abruzzo e’ famoso per il suo ottimo vino e le olive gustose e profumate. Il matrimonio e’ stato celebrato nella chiesa romanica di Popoli, mentre il ricevimento a Tocco da Cassauria. Tutto durante questo giorno e’ stato straordinamente bello e molto diverso dalle cerimonie tipiche polacche.
Il ricevimento e’ stato organizato in un giardino d’ulivi e nonostante la leggera pioggia, non molto comune in questo periodo dell’anno, l’atmosfera e gli umori degli ospiti erano splendidi. Il divertimento, tantissimi belle emozioni e la gustosissima cucina italiana hanno caratterizzato questa giornata. Un altro particolare che merita di essere sottolineato erano i granchi che una volta tanto tempo fa erano spesso presenti sulle tavole polacche. Gli sposi hanno curato ogni dettaglio nei minimi particolari, cio’ insieme alla varieta’ di decorazioni ed addobbi ha creato una atmosfera unica ed indimenticabile di questa splendida ceremonia.
Olimpia ed Alessandro tantissimi auguri e tanta felicita’ dalla nostra Polonia, che in questo periodo dell’anno e’ calda come la vostra Italia.

 weding photography krakow poland

wedding photo blog





środa, 11 lutego 2015

The best wedding photography - Poland, Krakow

Wedding Photography is a job that fits firmly in the season, in successive seasons. From joyous Easter until the beautiful, golden, October autumn. For us next season - and intense preparation for the new one. Every year we meet wonderful, joyful, happy people who entrust us with great confidence to document and allow to participate in the most important moments of their lives. To all of you immensely for it thank you! These are all beautiful wedding photos would not exist without the beautiful people, would not exist without you! And to this beautiful place. With all of last year we went about 200 pictures to sum up the past season. It was hard to limit yourself to the counts - images was much, much more! Do not we have recorded in the statement of photos from outdoor session, you may have come at no time in the next summary? We focused on the form, which is often referred to as the "wedding photojournalism." Welcome.

If You would to like more - click here: The best wedding photography Poland

Few Picture:

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